FounderIn 2010, the Greek crisis hit and the country went into freefall. From there begun a great and long adventure...
We’re doing what we do because we love our city and we get a real kick out of sharing it with people. That’s our whole business plan, really; to show you things and places that you wouldn’t have found on your own! This isn’t what we studied, or what we thought we’d be doing ten years ago, and we’re each very different, but we all like travel and we all understand travellers, so here we are.
In 2010, the Greek crisis hit and the country went into freefall. From there begun a great and long adventure...
Elli doesn’t really like to talk about herself, so we’ll do it for her!
I grew up in a neighbourhood called Nea Smyrni. The first settlers here were refugees from Asia Minor. People in our neighbourhood are proud of where they come from.
As a child, my diet was limited, primarily consisting of soutzoukakia - meatballs in tomato sauce, a traditional Greek dish.
They say the ignorance is a bliss, and I couldn’t agree more.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain
There is a book I like a lot. Its final sentence reads: “It is never too late to have a happy childhood”.
It must have been at the end of middle school when I discovered graffiti. My new hobby began stealing ‘precious’ time I could have used for studying for school. I realised that action had to be taken...
There is a theory that claims that your name determines who you are. Antigone, the famous heroine of a Greek tragedy, defied the rules and for that she faced death.
No matter the plans made or expectations set, things seldom unfold as anticipated, and that's perfectly okay.
Even in today's digital age, I believe in my role of offering a human touch, guiding visitors beyond GPS and online resources.
I am a fan of poetry. Poems have the ability to paint a picture in just a few words… especially while traveling.
‘’We dream in colours borrowed from the sea’’
The French poet Arthur Rimbaud once wrote that "Eternity is the sea mingled with the sun " and I guess there' s a little bit of truth of that in me.
I was about five, and I was taking part in a school celebration. When I stood behind the microphone, my mind went blank and my mouth went dry. Tears welled up in my eyes.