local experiences

Dine with locals

Try a delicious meal without the waiters or the extra forks – come over to ours for lunch or dinner!

Available tours in this category

Dine with locals

Home-cooked meal with Maria

An inventive exploration of traditional and contemporary Greek cuisine

3-4 hours
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Dine with locals

Home-cooked meal with Dionysia

Get ready for a delicious home-made food by a Greek ‘mama’!

3-4 hours
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Awards & Accolades


"Great tour with an amazing tour guide. He was very knowledgable and obviously passionate about the art scene, and the tour showed the city in a different light. The guide was simply great, I can only recommend the tour to anyone who is interested in art, politics and conceptual perception."

Petra - Austria

""Our trip was absolutely fantastic. We were very impressed!" Paige & Emma K."

SD General review 1

""The tour was great. We are so glad that we did the self drive." Martina"

SD General review 3